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New Podcast Episode: A Redemption Story

Shalom and peace to you! This blog post actually contains two podcast episodes because I forgot to write a blog post for the one I did before this week's!

This week's blog post: Redemption: How He Loves Us

In this episode I talk about an amazing redemptive work God did in my life this week. It made me think of what Yeshua did for the woman who has been bleeding for twelve years in Mark 5.

I explain the laws of taharat hamishpacha, the Jewish laws of family purity, and how being in her state for 12 years was devastating in many ways. But when Yeshua comes on the scene, He changes everything. He can for you, too. Don’t give up. 🤍

Last week's blog post: Father of Dew- A Birth Story

In this episode I share the miraculous, wild birth story of my second daughter whose birthday is today. 

Her name means Father of Dew in Hebrew which is long for: God provides. 

I talk about provision, labor, faith, and how God is gonna get you through whatever you’re going through. 

All my love to you. Keep going. Yeshua is with you. Abba loves you.

xo Bunmi

"Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."

-Philippians 4:7


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